22.1% of companies have implemented "entirely non-smoking,” and over 50% have "complete se
~ Of those implementing entirely non-smoking, 47.6% of "restaurants” experiences a negative impact on their performance ~ Since enactment...

Domestic economy improved for four consecutive months, boosted by manufacturing industry
Japanese Trend Research Sep 2017

45.7% of companies view population decline as "a key business challenge"
~ Responding with development and expansion of products and services, but securing human resources becomes an obstructive factor ~...

Highest economic DI since consumption tax increase
- Continuous upswing thanks to a strong consumer durable goods market and despite the adverse impact of an exceptional rainy season on...

Average proportion of women in managerial posts, 6.9%, an increase of 0.3 points y-o-y
— More than half of companies are placing a priority on "improvement of nursing and preschool education, etc." and "zero children on...