Average proportion of women in managerial posts, 6.9%, an increase of 0.3 points y-o-y

— More than half of companies are placing a priority on "improvement of nursing and preschool education, etc." and "zero children on waiting lists to get into nurseries" —
In the midst of a shrinking working-age population and increasing number of double-income households, the government announced the promotion of women's participation and advancement in the workplace as an important policy for growth strategy. Matters to focus on are included as specific policy goals. In addition, women's active participation in the workplace not only secures the labor force in a labor shortage, but companies have also been increasingly aware of its necessity for corporate growth, such as by adopting women's viewpoints in companies and positioning that as men's work style reform.
Teikoku Databank has conducted a survey of corporate attitudes toward offering more opportunities to women and promotion of women. This survey was conducted in conjunction with the July 2017 TDB Trends Research. The survey for promotion of women has been conducted every July since 2013, and this is the 5th survey.
*Survey period: July 18 - July 31, 2017; Companies Surveyed: 23,767; Valid Responses: 10,093 (Response Rate: 42.5%).
*Details of this survey can be found on the dedicated Economic Trend Survey website. (http://www.tdb-di.com/)
Survey results (Summary)
1. While companies that do not have women in managerial posts account for nearly half of companies, at 49.2%, the proportion of companies with "30% or more" is increasing, and the proportion of women in managerial posts averages 6.9%, an increase of 0.3 points y-o-y. In addition, the proportions of women among all employees and in executive officers respectively average 24.6%, an increase of 0.4 points y-o-y, and 9.3%, an increase of 0.6 points y-o-y.
2. In the case of companies with a female president, the proportions of women in managerial posts and as executive officers respectively average 20.5%, and 40.0%, which are over 10 points higher than in those companies with a male president.
3. 24.0% of companies anticipate an increase in women in managerial posts of their companies in the future.
4. With respect to utilization of the female workforce and promotion of women, while companies that "utilize a female workforce and promote women from inside the company" account for over 40%, at 43%, those companies that "utilize a female workforce and promote women from outside the company" also account for 12.7%. That effect stands out, with approximately 70% of companies saying, "They could make good use of excellent human resources regardless of gender." In particular, companies with a large number of employees tend to feel that effect strongly.
5. With respect to important efforts by all of society to have women participate and advance further in the workplace, "improvement in both quantity and quality of nursing and preschool education, etc." accounts for the most, at 58.8%, followed by "zero children on waiting lists to get into nurseries," "enhanced support for single-parent families, etc.," "improvement of labor conditions (equal labor, equal pay, etc.)," and "correction of long working hours."

2.Research Items
*Business Confidence (current, in 3 months, in 6 months, in 1 year)
*Business Conditions (sales, purchasing and selling unit price, inventory, capacity utilization ratio, number of employees, overtime work hours)
3.Research Period and Methodology
Internet-based survey conducted July 18 – 31 2017
The explanation of the Economic Diffusion Index
Research Purpose/Researched Terms
TDB Economic Trend Research (started from May 2002) is a monthly statistical survey conducted for over 20,000 nationwide corporations on their general business activities including the current condition and future outlook of the industry business performance and operating climate. The primary purpose of such a survey is to assess the current state of Japan’s economy.
Selection of the Subject Corporations
Companies of all sizes in all domestic industries are eligible to participate in the survey.
DI Formula

The DI (Diffusion Index) is calculated by attaching a number (in parenthesis in the diagram below) to each of seven possible responses. Then multiplying the percentage of each response by the appropriate number, and adding the results.
A DI over 50 is in the range of “Good.” A score under 50 is “Bad.” The number 50 is the dividing point (“Neither Good or Bad”). All numbers are rounded off to the hundredth. It should be noted that no weight is given to a company’s responses based on its size. Calculations are made according to a “one company, one vote” rule.
For example, all corporations rated ‘Very Good’.
All corporations rated ‘Neither Good nor Bad’.
Size Classification